
Aysegul Kendir

Tourism Management

About Aysegul

Aysegul has over seven years’ experience in the hospitality, tourism and business management industry providing sales management, client development and financial reporting services in the Turkey, Italy, and Qatar

Having completed on a four-year multinational university education with a degree in Business Hotel and Tourism Industry management, Aysegul transitioned seamlessly into the management industry gaining considerable hands-on international hotel, tourism, and event management experience.

This international experience across a range of positions in organisations which has resulted in her successfully developing operations strategies for corporate and leisure traveller’s portfolio. This has included ensuring implementation of the brand service strategy initiatives to meet target customer needs and reporting on progress. This has ensured that Aysegul is a well-versed management professional in all aspects of the business management industry having acquired experience working with the worlds most renowned hotel brands and leading chains.

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